Review of Australia’s Modern Slavery Act 2018

Closed 22 Nov 2022

Opened 22 Aug 2022

Feedback updated 24 Jul 2023

We asked

An Issues Paper was released in August 2022 to initiate a 3-month public consultation period. The Issues Paper set out key areas of focus for the review and included 27 targeted consultation questions. Topics included the impact of the Modern Slavery Act and administration and enforcement of compliance with the reporting requirement.

Read the Issues Paper [PDF] for the review.

We sought public input to the review through 5 consultation avenues:

  • written submissions
  •  an online questionnaire featuring 27 consultation questions
  • an online survey for reporting entities
  • targeted consultations
  • meetings with selected individuals and committees.


You said

During the public consultation period, 38 targeted consultations were held with 285 representatives from government and non-government organisations including business, civil society and academia. In addition to the formal public consultation program, we met with individuals and committees with  a strong practical connection to Australian Government modern slavery policy and practice. A total of 65 engagements were undertaken, including consultations, meetings, presentations and events.

The review received 136 written submissions and 30 responses to the online questionnaire. The review received 496 responses to the online survey for reporting entities. An overview of survey results is included in the Review Report.

A diversity of views was expressed during the consultations. These are discussed in detail in the Review Report.

We did

We and Professor John McMillan, AO, review lead, would like to acknowledge everyone’s contribution to the review through the extensive consultation processes.

The review considered all submissions and responses received as part of the Review Report. On 25 May 2023, the government tabled the report in Parliament.

The report made 30 recommendations for government consideration, including:

  • amendments to the Act, such as the threshold and scope of entity reporting
  • introducing penalties for specific non-compliance
  • expanding guidance material
  • the role of the Anti-Slavery Commissioner in relation to the Act.

Read the Report for the Review of the Modern Slavery Act.

Results updated 6 Jun 2023

The review received 136 written submissions from domestic and international stakeholders. Submissions to the review are available below, with the exception of a small number of submissions that are unpublished. 

Responses to the online questionnaire were drawn on generally in preparing the Review Report and are not separately published or listed. The online questionnaire responses are also included in the overall breakdown of responses in Appendix C of the Report. 

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


The Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) commenced on 1 January 2019 and complements Australia’s comprehensive criminal justice response to modern slavery.

The Act was established through extensive consultations with the Australian business community and civil society. Under the Act, large businesses and other entities operating in Australia must report annually on how they are addressing modern slavery risks in their domestic and global operations and supply chains.

The Australian Government is undertaking a statutory review of the Act’s operation and compliance over the first three years since commencement. The review commenced on 31 March 2022 and is to be completed within one year, followed by a report to be tabled in Parliament. Professor John McMillan, AO, is leading the review, supported by the Attorney-General’s Department.

Read the Terms of Reference [PDF] for the review.

Why we are consulting

We are consulting with business, civil society, government, and other interested stakeholders to seek views on the operation of the Act and compliance with the Act during its first 3 years since 1 January 2019. We are interested to know whether additional measures are necessary to improve the Act’s operation and compliance in the Australian context.

Who we want to hear from

While the consultation is open to all members of the public, we would particularly like to hear from entities reporting under the Act, civil society organisations, and peak bodies.

How to engage with the consultation process

There are 2 ways you can provide your input:

  • Online survey: Complete our online survey using the 'Have your say' link below. You do not have to address all questions.
  • Written submission: Send us submissions and comments in response to our issues paper. Consultation questions are set out in the paper to guide feedback. However, you do not have to address any or all of these questions. Email submissions to .

The consultation opens on 22 August 2022 and closes 22 November 2022.

During this period, Professor McMillan will be conducting targeted in-person and online consultation sessions. If you are interested in participating in these sessions, contact All communication to Professor McMillan regarding the review should be sent to this email address.

The consultation period closes on 22 November 2022.

Download the Issues Paper [PDF]


  • Government
  • Legislation
  • Human rights
  • National security