2021-22 Review of the Legislation Act 2003

Closed 18 Nov 2021

Opened 1 Sep 2021

Feedback updated 22 Aug 2022

We asked

We sought public submissions on behalf of the Legislation Act Review Committee as part of a broad review of all aspects of the operation of the Legislation Act 2003 (Cth), which was required by section 59 of the Act.

You said

The Review Committee received 33 written submissions from a range of stakeholders, including government agencies, interest groups and academics. Stakeholder submissions broadly acknowledged the important functions of the Act as a mechanism for managing Commonwealth Acts and instruments, and largely agreed that the existing objectives of the Act are being achieved and remain appropriate.

Thank you to all who provided a response.

We did

The Review Committee considered all submissions received as part of the final report of the review. On 3 August 2022, the Attorney-General tabled the final report in Parliament.

The Review Committee found the Act remains fit for purpose. The report made 28 recommendations for further consideration. These include:

  • amendments to the Act
  • revised legislation approval processes
  • improvements to guidance material
  • education activities.


Submissions for this review have now been published.

As part of the review of the Legislation Act 2003, this discussion paper was designed to assist stakeholders to provide feedback and submissions to the review by providing background information and posing questions.

The Review Committee invited you to make a submission in response to any or all of the issues and questions in the Discussion Paper or any other matter relevant to the review's Terms of Reference. Submissions and feedback received in response to the Discussion Paper informed the review's final report.


  • Government
  • Legislation