Open Government Partnership Phase 1

Closed 17 Sep 2023

Opened 21 Aug 2023

Feedback updated 9 Nov 2023

We asked

Australia’s Open Government Forum is developing Australia’s third National Action Plan (NAP3) in consultation with civil society and government. The NAP3 will outline commitments by the Australian Government to activities that promote transparency, accountability and collaboration between the government, civil society and the business community.

The Open Government Forum (forum) agreed on a co-creation process in June 2023. This process outlined 2 phases of public consultation. We undertook Phase 1 public consultation through an online survey from 21 August 2023 – 17 September 2023.

The forum established 3 working groups to consider, develop and prioritise potential commitments for inclusion in Australia’s third National Action Plan. Phase 1 consultation focused on the co-creation process and the working group themes:

  • Working group 1: Public participation and engagement
  • Working group 2: Government and corporate sector integrity
  • Working group 3: Strengthening democratic processes

You said

We received 31 responses to this consultation, which included 1 emailed submission. Submissions were received from a range of stakeholders, including businesses, representative bodies, not-for-profit groups, academics and individuals.

The responses included helpful suggestions to support the development of commitments for Australia’s next National Action Plan.

A majority of stakeholders stated that the consultation provided appropriate opportunities to consult and that they supported the 3 themes. We thank everyone who took the time to engage with us and provide their feedback.

We did

Analysis and summary of the responses was provided to all Working Group members and included in the meeting papers for the fourth forum meeting on 5 October 2023. There was clear alignment between most of the responses and the key priority areas that were identified by the Working Groups.

The Working Groups used the consultation responses to inform the development of potential commitments for NAP3. Read the consultation analysis report and further updates on the progress of NAP3 at the Australia’s Open Government Partnership site. The forum will consult on the draft commitments during Phase 2 consultation.

Published responses

View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response.


The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a multilateral initiative that aims to secure commitments from governments to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption and harness new technologies to strengthen governance.

Why we are consulting

The Australian Government has delivered 2 National Action Plans (from 2016 to 2020), and now the Open Government Forum is working on the third National Action Plan (NAP3). The NAP3 will set out commitments by the Australian Government to activities that promote transparency, accountability and collaboration between the government, civil society and the business community.

The plan will be developed in consultation with civil society and government to promote good governance, clear and transparent decision-making, and policies that improve service delivery foster trust. Public consultation is a key tenet of the Open Government Partnership.


  • Government
  • Legislation
  • Corporate
  • Privacy
  • Corruption