Response 4400094

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Questions about you

Do your views officially represent those of an organisation?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No

Which of the following best describes your engagement/experience with doxxing?

Please select all that apply
Checkbox: Ticked I have personally experienced doxxing
Checkbox: Unticked I represent an organisation that represents, supports or advocates for victims of doxxing
Checkbox: Unticked I am a legal expert with experience in doxxing-related issues
Checkbox: Unticked I am an academic or have conducted academic research regarding doxxing
Checkbox: Unticked I am an industry representative
Checkbox: Unticked I work in law enforcement
Checkbox: Unticked I am a journalist or work in media
Checkbox: Unticked Other

Feedback on Doxxing and Privacy Reforms

When did you first learn about the practice of doxxing?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked This year
Radio button: Unticked In the last 5 years
Radio button: Unticked Over 5 years ago

How important is addressing doxxing to you?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Very important
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat important
Radio button: Unticked Neutral (or undecided)
Radio button: Unticked Not important at all

How important is the strengthening of privacy protections to you?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Very important
Radio button: Unticked Somewhat important
Radio button: Unticked Neutral (or undecided)
Radio button: Unticked Not important at all

Do you think existing measures are sufficient to deal with doxxing?

Please select one item
Radio button: Unticked Yes
Radio button: Ticked No
Please expand on your response
there probably are measures that could work but they are not used

Do you think that a proposed statutory tort for serious invasions of privacy would improve the available options for individuals who have fallen victim to doxxing by enabling them to seek redress through the courts?

Please select one item
Radio button: Ticked Yes
Radio button: Unticked No

Do you have any suggestions for other options (legislative or non-legislative) to respond to doxxing?

Please enter your response

Redacted text I don’t really have any involvement in or interaction with the Jewish community other than a couple of friends. So when the shock of October 7th was immediately followed by such vitriolic blaming of Israel and the very next night the ‘F*** the Jews’ and more at the Opera House, my entire worldview came into question. People who I had previously felt aligned with on causes such as support for refugees were openly criticising Jews without us actually having done anything. I felt lost and no longer knew who ‘my people’ were. So when a friend added me to the Whatsapp group, I was relieved to find others experiencing similar shock and disappointments, both from friends and acquaintances as well as in work scenarios. It was a source of support to share what we were experiencing, as well as share news articles and keep on top of events. Redacted text
With 600 people in a group it was too much to keep on top of so I would often mute it for days at a time, not seeing what was being posted. With 600 Jews in a group one can be sure that there were more than 600 views, often vastly different. The majority that I saw tended to skew more progressive, seeking peace for both Israel and Palestine. A tiny minority (around a handful) were more outspoken with opposing opinions, expressing more anti Palestinian perspectives occasionally. I disagreed, but did nothing as either I didn’t read it, didn’t have the time or energy to get involved, and/or didn’t feel its my place to convince others of my views, when they had their own reasons for their perspectives.
So when I was doxxedRedacted text I was surprised and deeply hurt - the assumptions that came from this, that we are all ‘genocidal maniacs’ cheering on the killing of babies and unquestioningly supporting the words and actions of the Israeli government were incredibly painful. I have never felt so unfairly misunderstood, to be accused of such things that were completely the opposite of my actual position, and to then have random strangers creep onto my personal social media pages to make similar accusations and false allegations, refusing to listen to anything I tried to say in defence.
I was bewildered and could no longer sleep, and this has now gone on for months. I can’t sleep a full night’s sleep, which has a massive impact on my days, where I constantly feel like I am walking through quicksand and can only accomplish the most urgent tasks to a deadline, anything else continues to remain on my to do list which I feel incapable of tackling (example – this being written the night before cut off date).Redacted text I am frequently nervous when someone calls my name out in a class at the gym, or in other public situations, that someone will recognise it from the doxxing and use it to harass me in some way. I have lost all hope of living a normal life again and its hard to see where things may go from here, it feels very scary.