Personal information, de-identification and sensitive information
Should there be a criminal offence for re-identifying de-identified information? What exceptions should apply?
Enter your response here
Should consent be required for the collection, use, disclosure and storage of other tracking data, such as health data, heart rate and sleeping schedule, in addition to precise geolocation tracking data?
Enter your response here
Small business exemption
If you are a small business operator, what support from government would be helpful for you to understand and comply with new privacy obligations?
Please select all that apply
Information sessions
Written guidance
Digital modules
Self-assessment tools
Financial rebates or tax concessions for obtaining independent privacy advice
Please expand on your response
The provision of a trusted broker to provide IAAS where all details of transactions are E2EE and and unavailable in any way to the IAAS - the IAAS provides only a means for the business to provide invoicing etc.. In other words, a business wants to onboard a new client, the client is directed to the government IAAS which vets the client. When the business needs to invoice the client or contact them for some other purpose, the transaction occurs via the IAAS - the IAAS never knows what the contact is about and the business never knows any information about the client other than that the IAAS is able to identify them should the need arise. In this way, there is no risk whatsoever (or liability) when a business gets hacked and the government IAAS is made sufficiently secure - think of it like the way PayPal works with financial authority.
Key to this is that the government IAAS can be trusted and blind - any user must be able to log in to the IAAS and revoke authority whenever they wish providing no transactions are outstanding.
Key to this is that the government IAAS can be trusted and blind - any user must be able to log in to the IAAS and revoke authority whenever they wish providing no transactions are outstanding.
Employee records exemption
How should employers provide enhanced transparency to employees about the purposes for which their personal and sensitive information is collected, used and disclosed?
This is way too weak - see previous answer re IAAS. No need for employer to have any information, just an auth key to the IAAS who will act as blind agent for pay etc.
Noting the current individual rights contained in Australian Privacy Principles 12 and 13, and the proposed individual rights in proposals 18.1, 18.2 and 18.3, what specific exceptions (if any) should apply to these rights in the employment context?
Enter your response here
Again, ridiculously weak - see previous answers.
Journalism exemption
What additional support, if any, would be needed to assist smaller media organisations to comply with privacy obligations?
Enter your response here
I don't know about specific requirements of media organisations, but size is completely irrelevant to privacy and security.
Additional protections
What additional requirements should apply to mitigate privacy risks relating to the development and use of facial recognition technology and other biometric information?
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Biometrics are sensitive data and should not be allowed to be used or obtained in any way whatsoever by private organisations. We would not allow Bunnings to take fingerprints of every customer, for instance. Nor should the governemtn be allowed to do so - the theft of biometric information via driver's licenses was completely wrong - we do not allow police to just finger print every member of public willy nilly yet that is exactly what happened with DL's - the data should be destroyed immediately. Moreover because the government has an appalling record of securing data and protecting privacy.
Should the scope of research permitted without consent be broadened? If so, what should the scope be?
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Should there be a single exception for research without consent for both agencies and organisations? If not, what should be the difference in scope for agencies and organisations?
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People experiencing vulnerability
Should the permitted general situations in the Privacy Act be amended to enable disclosure of personal information in safeguarding situations which may not meet the requirements under section 16A, item 1? What other options for reform could be considered to protect people where abuse is suspected while respecting an individual's privacy and personal autonomy?
Enter your response here
Individual rights
What would the impact of the proposed individual rights be on individuals, businesses and government?
Enter your response here
These are all too weak and are clearly designed to benefit entities rather than individuals.
Are further exceptions required for any of the proposed individual rights?
Enter your response here
Why even bother - you can drive a truck blind-folded though the exceptions.
Automated decision-making
What types of decisions are likely to have a legal or similarly significant effect on an individual's rights?
Enter your response here
All such mechanisms and algorithms must be completely open source and there must be prior scrutiny by independent experts in law and in the technology employed (programmers/mathematicians/etc.)
Should there be exceptions to a right for individuals to request meaningful information about how substantially automated decisions with legal or similarly significant effect are made?
Please select one item
Radio button:
Radio button:
Radio button:
Please provide examples of what these exceptions should be
Absolutely not - Robodebt is a sufficient exemplar to show that neither government, the law or the public service can be trusted or have sufficient competency or cognition.
Direct marketing, targeting and trading
What would be the impact of the proposals in relation to direct marketing on individuals, businesses and government?
Enter your response here
Who cares? None of these benefit individuals.
What would be the impact of the proposals in relation to targeting on individuals, businesses and government?
Enter your response here
This is a complete farce - "fair and reasonable" means whatever entities and government want it to mean. Opt out must be the default position
What would be the impact of the proposals in relation to sale of personal information on individuals, businesses and government?
Enter your response here
Security and destruction
What baseline privacy outcomes should be included in APP 11?
Enter your response here
See previous answer on IAAS
What are the barriers APP entities face to minimise collection and retention of identity credential information (e.g. reference numbers from, or copies of, drivers’ licences and passports)?
Enter your response here
See previous answer on IAAS
Controllers and processors
If small business non-APP entities that process information on behalf of APP entities are brought into the scope of the Act for their handling of personal information on behalf of the APP entity controller, what support should be provided to small businesses to assist them to comply with the obligations on processors?
Enter your response here
Who cares about the impact to small businesses - if they are incapable of protecting information (and it really isn't that hard), they should have no right holding it.
Not that I am a huge fan of PayPal, but the model of trusted agent works much better than having clueless entities obtaining information they have no need for and represent a far greater risk of breach than larger entities - many of these small businesses are simply retailers who have no training or expertise whatsoever in IT, law or cyber security - they don't even need to have an ABN!
Not that I am a huge fan of PayPal, but the model of trusted agent works much better than having clueless entities obtaining information they have no need for and represent a far greater risk of breach than larger entities - many of these small businesses are simply retailers who have no training or expertise whatsoever in IT, law or cyber security - they don't even need to have an ABN!
Overseas data flows
Should the extraterritorial scope of the Act be amended to introduce an additional requirement to demonstrate an 'Australian link' that is focused on personal information being connected with Australia?
Enter your response here
No, the digital world is completely flat and short of geoblocking and banning foreign entities from operating here, the best you can do is educate people. It would be much more sensible (and cost effective) to simply adopt the GDPR and work with the EU and other adopters to create the largest possible coverage of what will very likely become the defacto standard - why reinvent the wheel when Australia is already at least 20 years behind the state of the art and has shown an abysmal lack of competency and intent in such matters?
Should disclosures of personal information to overseas recipients via the publication of personal information online be subject to an exception from the requirements of APP 8.1 where it is in the public interest? How should such an exception be framed to ensure the public interest in protecting individuals’ privacy is appropriately balanced with other public interests?
Enter your response here
No, absolutely not.
Notifiable Data Breaches
How can reporting processes for Notifiable Data Breaches be streamlined for APP entities with multiple reporting obligations?
Enter your response here
Impose meaningful penalties for failure to do so - we know there are orders of magnitude more breaches than are admitted to. We cannot trust entities to disclose breaches as their interests are fundamentally mis-aligned with client's privacy and security - there needs to be a competent and trusted monitoring agent.
Should APP entities be required to take reasonable steps to prevent or reduce the harm that is likely to arise for individuals as a result of a Notifiable Data Breach? If so, what factors should be taken into account when determining reasonable steps?
Enter your response here
Here we go again with "reasonable steps" - this is complete and utter nonsense, the "steps" need to be: clearly and precisely spelled out, mandatory within a mandatory timeframe and incur harsh penalties upon failure to perform.
Provide general feedback or upload a written submission
If you would like to provide general feedback on the Privacy Act Review Report please provide your response
Privacy is a joke in Australia and this is a very weak and frankly passive-aggressive set of proposals clearly designed for the benefit of entities.
The entire notion of personal data needs to be turned on its head - the default needs to be that entities seek permission for access to a person's information. The only way to make this happen is for every individual to have secure repository that they may elect to grant access to a specific set of information to a specific entity for a specific time window. In fact, most functions can be performed by a blind agent - say you want to sell an item: an invoice is sent to the blind agent who passes it to the individual - if the individual deems it valid, the agent verifies that payment has been made and then pass a 'paid' token and shipping address to the entity.
A similar identity/authorisation flow could occur when on boarding a new employee etc. - the key point is that the individual has complete control over their data - they can modify it or change access grants at any time and can be as prudent or as promiscuous as *they* deem fit. Entities can operate just fine on a fraction of the data they obtain and retain - the only reason they want more is for profit. I am not against businesses making profit but I have no interest whatsoever in helping them and no have shown no care whatsoever in protecting it so they need to kept on the shortest leash possible.
The entire notion of personal data needs to be turned on its head - the default needs to be that entities seek permission for access to a person's information. The only way to make this happen is for every individual to have secure repository that they may elect to grant access to a specific set of information to a specific entity for a specific time window. In fact, most functions can be performed by a blind agent - say you want to sell an item: an invoice is sent to the blind agent who passes it to the individual - if the individual deems it valid, the agent verifies that payment has been made and then pass a 'paid' token and shipping address to the entity.
A similar identity/authorisation flow could occur when on boarding a new employee etc. - the key point is that the individual has complete control over their data - they can modify it or change access grants at any time and can be as prudent or as promiscuous as *they* deem fit. Entities can operate just fine on a fraction of the data they obtain and retain - the only reason they want more is for profit. I am not against businesses making profit but I have no interest whatsoever in helping them and no have shown no care whatsoever in protecting it so they need to kept on the shortest leash possible.