Published responses
The department released an exposure draft of the Social Media (Anti-Trolling) Bill 2021 on 1 December 2021. We invited submissions and survey responses on the exposure draft until 21 January 2022.
The consultation period has now closed.
The government has used the feedback received during the consultation period to inform their approach to the Bill.
We received 44 written submissions and 25 survey responses. Of those, 42 submissions and 22 survey responses are published here (including 4 survey responses which also included a submission).
We have not published submissions or survey responses where a submitter did not consent to publication.
Some published submissions and survey responses have been partially redacted. Redactions have occurred where a submission contained a submitter’s personal details and/or contact information, or where certain content was inappropriate to publish. For example, because it was potentially offensive, abusive, or defamatory.
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