Response 586092876

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Prior, active, clearly informed consent must be obtained before placing any cookies or collecting and sharing any personal information and identifiers including, but not limited to, email addresses, location, internet service and device identifiers. This means informed, prior opt in, instead of opt out. If opt-out is used, any data gathered at any time before the user opts out must be deleted.

No personal, browsing, email addresses or cookie information, etc, should be accessed or shared with any overseas organisations or 3rd party agents who don't adhere to Australian privacy regulations and who don't fall under the jurisdiction of Australian privacy laws. It's a potential threat to national security and Australian sovereignty.

Social media and data compiling organisations, especially internationally based ones, should not be directly or indirectly collecting, obtaining or storing any personal, browsing, email address or device information of Australians. If any such information is gathered, there must be prior, clearly informed user opt-in consent. Importantly, consent must be obtainable easily, via any internet browser, without needing to use or log in to an app or any 3rd party software.

The right to be forgotten, including all personal and device information, cookies and browsing session information must be available and observed, including from content serving algorithms. There need to be strong penalties and an oversight body ensuring adherence to these privacy requirements.

Scrambling emails is insufficient de-identification when that information can be unscrambled or identified using other data points. Prior, active, informed consent to the commercialisation and sharing of personal and other use information (opt in) must be obtained instead.

The national broadcaster, in its position of non-commercial, neutral content responsibility, should not be collecting any data, and not sharing or making accessible to 3rd parties any information whatsoever on its users.

Consumers must also, always, be given the option to opt out from (or better, need to opt in to) content serving algorithms intended to optimise consumer experience and increase viewing, even those that operate within the singular platform only and not for purposes of 3rd party advertising revenues. In other words, app and service users must be given an option to do so completely Free from algorithms that promote and serve content. Algorithms can manipulate people over time. Consider that optimal for the productive capacity of people as economic units, as a crowded, busy, manipulated and tired mind is an ineffective, uncreative mind, and more productive creative headspace is needed to grapple with the challenges of the future. That information collected by content algorithms can also to be shared, sold, hacked or inadvertently by other means reveal personal information: For example, algorithm based recommendations can reveal political preferences including being exposed to a casual observer of a channel's viewing or reading recommendations based on the user's past browsing habits. This includes all TV programs such as Netflix, ABC and commercial TV channels, podcast players, YouTube music recommendations. An innocent act like turning on the TV or s podcast player in the presence of any other person should not reveal your prior viewing record. Users may unaware that they have an algorithm indirectly conveying information to a bystander who's aware of how the algorithms operate. It should be a human right to access any internet-based services without needing to be tracked, traced, sold to or manipulated by AI algorithms.