Published responses

The Attorney-General’s Department undertook a public consultation process on options to progress six legislative recommendations from the Respect@Work Report from 14 February to 18 March 2022, under the former government.

As part of this consultation process, the Attorney-General’s Department met with stakeholders and sought the views of the public through an online survey on topics raised in the consultation paper. A diverse range of stakeholders, including members of the public, employers and businesses, legal practitioners, unions, advocates and academics, provided responses to the survey.

The Government has committed to implementing all outstanding legislative recommendations of the Respect@Work Report, including introducing a positive duty on employers to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace in the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (recommendation 17). The Government will introduce legislation later this year to implement remaining legislative reforms from the Respect@Work Report.

Search responses

Position on recommendation 16(c) (hostile work environment)
Position on recommendation 17 (positive duty)
Alternative or additional options to recommendation 17 (positive duty)
Position on recommendation 18 (enforcement powers for the AHRC in relation to a positive duty)
Position on recommendation 19 (additional inquiry powers for the AHRC)
Position on recommendation 23 (representative actions before the courts)
Position on recommendation 25 (cost model)

95 Published responses

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