55 results
Administrative Review Reform Issues Paper
On 16 December 2022, the Government announced reform to Australia’s system of administrative review. This reform will abolish the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) and establish a new federal administrative review body. The reform will also include a transparent, merit-based system of appointments. We have released an Issues Paper seeking views on the development of a new federal administrative review body. The Issues Paper asks 67 questions about a wide range of matters including... MoreOpened 3 April 2023 -
Scoping the development of specialised and trauma-informed legal services for victims and survivors of sexual assault
Every Australian deserves to live free from violence. The Australian Government is committed to working with state and territory governments to improve the experiences of victims and survivors of sexual assault in the criminal justice systems across Australia. Victims and survivors continue to face barriers, and potential exposure to further trauma, when choosing to seek justice through the criminal justice system. These barriers to access justice are complex and unique to each... MoreOpened 29 March 2023 -
Review of Secrecy Provisions
We are carrying out a review of secrecy provisions across Commonwealth laws. This review will address concerns raised by multiple reviews about the number, inconsistency, appropriateness and complexity of Commonwealth secrecy offences. We have released a consultation paper seeking views on the operation of secrecy provisions, including: what principles should govern the framing of general and specific secrecy offences in Commonwealth legislation whether any general or... MoreOpened 24 March 2023 -
Review of sunsetting instruments under the Native Title Act 1993
We are conducting a review of 4 legislative instruments made under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (NT Act), which are due to sunset on 1 October 2023. These instruments are: Native Title (Federal Court) Regulations 1998 Native Title (Tribunal) Regulations 1993 Native Title (Indigenous Land Use Agreements) Regulations 1999 Native Title (Notices) Determination 2011 (No.1) The instruments support native title application and agreement-making mechanisms... MoreOpened 3 March 2023 -
Justice Reinvestment Program
Please note this consultation has now closed. Submissions received will be published shortly. For more information on the Australian Government’s justice reinvestment commitments, including the National Justice Reinvestment Program and Justice Reinvestment in Central Australia Program, visit the Justice reinvestment page of our website. More than 30 years after the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, First Nations peoples remain over-represented at every point in... MoreOpened 23 February 2023 -
Review into an appropriate cost model for Commonwealth anti-discrimination laws
The Respect@Work: Sexual Harassment National Inquiry Report (2020) (Respect@Work Report) found that sexual harassment is a pervasive and widespread issue in Australian workplaces. It made 55 recommendations addressed to the Australian Government, states and territories, employers and industry groups to prevent and address sexual harassment in Australian workplaces. The recommendations relate to 5 key areas of focus: data and research primary prevention workplace... MoreOpened 23 February 2023 -
Government response to the Privacy Act Review Report
On 16 February 2023, the Attorney-General publicly released the Privacy Act Review Report . The Privacy Act Review Report was informed by feedback received in response to an Issues Paper released in October 2020 and a Discussion Paper , released in October 2021. Submissions to those consultation papers are available: Discussion paper submissions Issues paper submissions Feedback is being sought on the Government response to the Privacy Act Review Report. The... MoreOpened 16 February 2023 -
Family Law Amendment Bill 2023
The Australian Government wants to make sure the best interests of children are prioritised and placed at the centre of the family law system. The release of the draft Family Law Amendment Bill 2023 (the exposure draft) is an opportunity for the community to provide feedback on the proposed amendments that aim to achieve this outcome. The Bill will primarily amend the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) (Family Law Act), with some consequential amendments to the Federal Circuit and Family Court of... MoreOpened 30 January 2023 -
Electronic Transaction Act Consultation
How the ETA regulates e-commerce in Australia When you sign a contract using an electronic signature, click 'I accept' on online T&Cs, or send an important document by email – how can you be sure that what you are doing is legally valid? The Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (Cth) (ETA) is an Australian law which lets valid electronic transactions take place. Simply put – it says that any legal requirement to sign, send or record written information or documents, can generally be... MoreOpened 23 January 2023 -
Scoping the Establishment of a Federal Judicial Commission
The Australian Government is considering the merits and design of a federal judicial commission that could independently examine and deal with complaints made to it about federal judges. This scoping work was announced by the Attorney-General, the Hon Mark Dreyfus KC MP, on 25 October 2022 in the context of the 2022-23 Budget. On 29 September 2022, the Government published its response to the Australian Law Reform Commission’s (ALRC) 2021 report, Without Fear or Favour: Judicial... MoreOpened 17 January 2023 -
Copyright Enforcement Review
Copyright, as a type of property founded on a person's creative skill and labour, protects the original form or way an idea or information is expressed (but not the idea or information itself). Some common forms of copyright material include: writing movies and TV shows visual art and images music video games. Copyright underpins the vibrancy and value of Australia’s creative industries and supports innovation across many other sectors of the economy. A... MoreOpened 9 December 2022 -
Targeted Review of Divisions 270 and 271 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth)
The Australian Government is carrying out a targeted review of modern slavery offences in Divisions 270 and 271 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) (the Criminal Code). This initiative recognises strong criminal justice responses are important to combat modern slavery, ensuring Australia's justice frameworks continue to support effective disruption, investigation and prosecution outcomes. This targeted review supports the government's commitment to strengthen modern slavery responses at... MoreOpened 7 December 2022 -
Federal Court of Australia Amendment (Extending Criminal Jurisdiction and Other Measures) Bill
The Federal Court of Australia Amendment (Extending Criminal Jurisdiction and Other Measures) Bill (the Bill) supports the expansion of the Federal Court of Australia's (Federal Court's) jurisdiction in relation to corporate crime. Schedule 1, Part 1 of the Bill confers jurisdiction on the Federal Court to hear a range of indictable and summary corporate crime offences within the regulatory remit of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. These amendments would enhance... MoreOpened 4 October 2022 -
Consultation Draft – National Principles to Address Coercive Control
You can contribute to a shared national understanding of coercive control by providing your feedback on the Consultation Draft of the National Principles to Address Coercive Control using the survey link below. Safety information This consultation is about family and domestic violence, including coercive control. If you think someone may be checking the websites you visit or using technology in other ways to monitor you, you may wish to find out how you can browse more safely ... MoreOpened 16 September 2022 -
Review of Australia’s Modern Slavery Act 2018
The Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) commenced on 1 January 2019 and complements Australia’s comprehensive criminal justice response to modern slavery. The Act was established through extensive consultations with the Australian business community and civil society. Under the Act, large businesses and other entities operating in Australia must report annually on how they are addressing modern slavery risks in their domestic and global operations and supply chains. The Australian... MoreOpened 22 August 2022 -
Respect@Work – consultation on remaining legislative recommendations
View submitted responses where consent has been given to publish the response. In 2018, the Government commissioned the National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces, conducted by the Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Kate Jenkins. The product of this inquiry – the Respect@Work: Sexual Harassment National Inquiry Report (2020) (Respect@Work Report) – found that sexual harassment is a pervasive and widespread issue in Australian workplaces. The Respect@Work Report... MoreOpened 14 February 2022 -
New family dispute resolution services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families
The Australian Government’s first Implementation Plan under the National Agreement on Closing the Gap included an announcement to provide funding for culturally safe and appropriate family dispute resolution for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families. Family dispute resolution (FDR) is a type of mediation delivered under the Family Law Act 1975 to help separated or separating families formulate their own agreements about parenting and property matters. It is done with the... MoreOpened 1 February 2022 -
Possible reforms to the Bankruptcy system
We have now published submissions for this consultation. In January 2021, the Australian Government undertook public consultation on possible changes to the bankruptcy system, to inform its ongoing response to address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. As part of this consultation, the government met with key stakeholders and sought public submissions on topics raised in a discussion paper. The discussion paper provided an overview of 4 elements of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 to... MoreOpened 27 January 2022 -
Social Media (Anti-Trolling) Bill
The Australian Government is committed to keeping Australians safe from online harm, including the harmful impacts of defamatory online comments posted anonymously. On 1 December 2021, the Australian Government released an exposure draft of the Social Media (Anti-Trolling) Bill 2021, together with explanatory materials outlining the features of the legislation. Consultation on the Bill, including written submissions and survey responses provided through this portal, closed on Friday... MoreOpened 17 December 2021 -
Royal Commissions Protections Review
Review of confidentiality protections for people engaging with royal commissions We have conducted a review of the Royal Commissions Act 1902 (Cth) to examine any issues or impediments to people coming forward and sharing sensitive information with a royal commission. We developed this consultation to enable members of the public to provide feedback on their experiences with a royal commission to help inform this review. Discussion questions We suggested considering the... MoreOpened 30 November 2021 -
Children’s Contact Services – Methodology to select locations for additional services
We currently fund 64 Children's Contact Services (CCS) across Australia for families who are unable to safely manage arrangements for the contact and changeover of their children. In the May 2021 Budget, the Australian Government announced that it would increase funding for CCS, including funding to establish 20 additional CCS across Australia. We have developed a methodology to estimate demand for new CCS by Statistical Level Area Level 4 (SA4). We sought feedback on the draft... MoreOpened 26 October 2021 -
Privacy Act Review – Discussion paper
As part of our review of the Privacy Act 1988, this discussion paper considered feedback on the Issues Paper and seeks further feedback on potential changes to the Act. The Discussion Paper covered a broad range of topics, including: the scope and application of the Act the protections contained in the Australian Privacy Principles how the Act is regulated and enforced. Submissions on the Discussion Paper closed on 10 January 2022. Submissions and feedback... MoreOpened 25 October 2021 -
Online Privacy Bill Exposure Draft
We have now published submissions for this consultation. On 25 October 2021, the Attorney-General's Department released a consultation exposure draft of the Privacy Legislation Amendment (Enhancing Online Privacy and Other Measures) Bill 2021 (the Online Privacy Bill), and a consultation Regulation Impact Statement. Submissions on the Online Privacy Bill and consultation Regulation Impact Statement closed on 6 December 2021. The Online Privacy Bill was not introduced to Parliament.... MoreOpened 25 October 2021 -
Improving the competency and accountability of family report writers
We have now published submissions for this consultation. Family report writers play an essential role in family law parenting matters before the family law courts. Family report writers are primarily from the professions of social work, psychology or psychiatry. They prepare reports that provide information and recommendations about parenting arrangements following separation that are in the best interests of the child or children. They also play an important role in... MoreOpened 22 October 2021 -
2021-22 Review of the Legislation Act 2003
Submissions for this review have now been published. As part of the review of the Legislation Act 2003 , this discussion paper was designed to assist stakeholders to provide feedback and submissions to the review by providing background information and posing questions. The Review Committee invited you to make a submission in response to any or all of the issues and questions in the Discussion Paper or any other matter relevant to the review's Terms of Reference. Submissions... MoreOpened 1 September 2021
55 results.
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